HR Informant

Time Off For Employees To Vote

Written by Michael Allen | Wed, May 30, 2012

California’s presidential primary election will happen on June 5, 2012. Your employees may be entitled to time off for voting.

If an employee does not have sufficient time outside of working hours to vote in a statewide election, the employee may, without loss of pay, take off up to two hours of working time to vote.

The time off must be taken at the beginning or end of the regular working shift, whichever allows the most free time for voting and the least time off from working, unless otherwise mutually agreed. The employee must notify you at least two working days in advance to arrange a voting time.

In addition, employees may serve as election officials on election day without being disciplined, but you are not required to pay them for these absences.

You are required to display a poster describing voting leave requirements 10 days before every statewide election.


Author: HR Watchdog, HRCalifornia’s Employment Law Blog, © California Chamber of Commerce