Injury Illness and Prevention Plan
Did you know that failure to comply with Cal/OSHA’s Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) standard is the number one most-often cited Cal/OSHA violation when inspectors visit California workplaces?
Employers in California are required to have an effective written Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). The benefits of an effective IIPP include improved workplace safety and health, better morale, increased productivity, and reduced costs of doing business.
An Illness and Injury Prevention Program (IIPP), contains a generalized plan for keeping its workforce free from work-related injuries and illnesses.
For companies with more than 10 employees, the plan must be in writing.
Cal/OSHA states that California employers that do not have a written plan, could be assessed a $7,000.00 fine by Cal/OSHA.
Our customized Injury and Illness Prevention Program provides the 8 required IIPP elements. These elements are:
- Responsibility
- Compliance
- Communication
- Hazard Assessment
- Accident/Exposure Investigation
- Hazard Correction
- Training and Instruction
- Recordkeeping
We create your company with a complete and effective IIPP that fully involves all employees, supervisors and management. Your IIPP will also identify the specific workplace hazards employees are exposed to. Your plan will assist you in correctly identifying hazards in an appropriate and timely manner and finally, your plan will provide you with a list of effective workplace training subjects.
Our Safety Manuals are tailored to a wide-range of specific construction industries and workplace locations and all of manuals meet federal OSHA and Cal/OSHA requirements.
To have Pinnacle Employee Services create your compliant and effective Injury and Illness Prevention Program, please fill out the form or contact us at 888-353-2976.