A recent Californiacase provides employers with a good checklist on how to treat workers, such as salespeople, so the employer can maintain an independent contractor relationship.
Arnoldv. Mutual Omaha Insurance Company, 2011 WL 6849652 (2011), is the firstCaliforniacase to detail the factors under which insurance agents may properly be classified as independent contractors.
The court of appeal applied the “right of control” test: Does the employer have the right to control the manner and means by which the individual performs his work? This is a common test applied by courts and some government agencies to determine whether a worker is an independent contractor or actually an employee.
Employers face significant consequences for misclassifying workers as independent contractors when the workers are really employees. Employers could be liable for employment taxes and penalties, and liable for failing to fulfill the many legal obligations owed to an employee, such as wage and hour requirements. Government agencies, such as the U.S. Department of Labor and the Internal Revenue Service, have stepped up their enforcement efforts to stop misclassification.
Non-Exclusive Insurance Agent Claims She Is an Employee
Kimbly Arnold worked as an insurance agent for Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company (Mutual). She had a non-exclusive arrangement, meaning that she was authorized to offer products from Mutual, but was also allowed to offer (and did offer) products from different companies.
After working with Mutual for a little over a year, she entered into an exclusive employment relationship with another insurance company that prohibited her from continuing to represent and offer Mutual’s products.
Arnoldthen filed a class action lawsuit against Mutual, claiming that she, along with other Mutual agents and sales representatives were employees, not independent contractors. As employees,Arnoldclaimed that these agents were entitled to reimbursement for business expenses and to waiting time penalties for unpaid final wages.
Factors Point to Independent Contractor Status
The court examined the evidence presented by Mutual and found that Mutual exercised little control overArnold(or over the other agents). “Mutual had no significant right to control the manner and means by whichArnold” sold its products, according to the court, and as a result, Arnold and the other agents were properly classified as independent contractors.
The following factors, as a whole, were persuasive to the court:
The court also rejectedArnold’s argument that inclusion of “at-will” language in the independent contractor agreement changed the relationship to one of employee. “A termination at-will clause for both parties may properly be included in an independent contractor agreement, and is not by itself a basis for changing that relationship to one of an employee,” the court noted.
Helpful Decision
Based on the above set of facts, the court gave Mutual the news employers facing class actions always want to hear — the lawsuit will be dismissed before trial.
Companies that use sales agents to sell their products and want to confirm that they have properly set up an independent contractor arrangement can look to the factors above to analyze their arrangements.
Employers should be mindful that different government agencies may apply different tests for analyzing the independent contractor relationship. The potential liabilities and penalties are significant if an individual is treated as an independent contractor and later found to be an employee. Each working relationship should be thoroughly researched and analyzed before independent contractor status is established, and employers should seek legal counsel if they have any questions or concerns.
Best Practices
California employers have struggled with a new state law that took effect this year. The law requires employers to provide nonexempt employees with a notice at the time of hire that lists specified wage information.
To help answer questions from employers, the Labor Commissioner issued an updated “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Wage Theft Protection Act of 2011 - Notice to Employees” in late January.
Employers had questions on how to put the new notice into practice and how to comply with the law, and sought guidance on several issues, including:
The Labor Commissioner prepared a notice for employers to use, and the notice contains all required information plus other information the Labor Commissioner deems “material and necessary.” The new notice is also available for download from HR Allen Consulting Services.
Author: CalChamber/HR Watchdog
HR Watchdog, HRCalifornia’s Employment Law Blog, © California Chamber of Commerce.