Governor Vetoes Nanny Bill

Posted on Tue, Oct 02, 2012

Governor Edmund G. Brown vetoed a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill, AB 889 (Ammiano; D-San Francisco), which would have provided the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) with authority to develop regulations placing wage-and-hour mandates on working families.

AB 889 would have required the DIR to adopt regulations no later than January 2014 for “domestic work employees,” which the bill generally defined as any individual who performs “domestic work” such as housekeeping, child care and other “household occupations.”  

The bill would have required the regulations to include provisions addressing overtime compensation, meal and rest periods and sleep periods, or to simply adopt the regulations set forth in Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Order No. 15.


Author: HR Watchdog, HRCalifornia’s Employment Law Blog, © California Chamber of Commerce

Tags: Department of Industrial Relations, AB 889, domestic work, household occupations, nanny bill, nanny break bill, HR Allen Consulting Services, HR Informant, wage and hour