While most employers now use computerized timekeeping and payroll systems, many “round” employees’ time, a practice originating in olden days when time and pay calculations were done by hand. But is this practice legal? According to a recent California Court of Appeal decision, See’s Candy Shops, Inc. v. Superior Court, 210 Cal. App. 4th 889 (2012), the answer is an emphatic (and delicious) “yes!” Well, sometimes.
Tags: California Employment, Time Rounding, Timekeeping, Workplace Solutions, California, HR Allen Consulting Services, HR Informant, payroll
I know I’m starting to sound like the boy who cried wolf, but I swear that I’m getting closer to actually hiring someone to help run the business. While hiring someone has always scared me, I’m starting to see that the real pain point is payroll.
Tags: in the trenches, payroll companies, payroll service, payroll companies in California, payroll companies in Arizona, payroll companies in Nevada, Payroll company, outsourcing, Hiring, Payroll Outsourcing, payroll, outsourcing payroll
Few business owners or managers will cite payroll management as one of their favorite tasks. But when, from a strictly financial perspective, does it make sense to outsource payroll operations? Here's a quick look at the top reasons that businesses turn to payroll-services providers.
Tags: Payroll Outsourcing, payroll, outsourcing payroll, 10 reasons to outsource payroll
The Citrus Heights Regional Chamber of Commerce awards this prestigious honor annually to businesses in the Citrus Heights area who have proven themselves to represent the area business community in an exceptional fashion. The Chamber has 50 categories of representation for the various businesses who either belong to the chamber or have a business located there.
HR Allen Consulting Services offers a full range of Human Resource services including background screening, drug testing, payroll and benefits administration to area businesses. The company relieves business clients of these stressful and costly functions, allowing business to be able to focus more on their economic growth and success.
This Best of Citrus Heights Award demonstrates the high regard held by peers, clients and the community for HR Allen Consulting Services and their staff.
About HR Allen Consulting Services
HR Allen Consulting Services offers outsourcing services in the payroll and HR field for small to medium-size businesses in California, Nevada and Arizona. A full range of services is offered for helping start-up businesses, franchises and larger companies. Interested parties may reach them at their Citrus Heights, CA headquarters by phone at: (888) 353-2976, or their website address: http://www.hrallencs.com/.
Tags: HR Allen Consulting Services, Human Resources, HR Allen, Best of Citrus Heights, payroll
It is no mystery that, as a business continues to grow, the need for outside services becomes more and more of a reality. This is where many of the advantages of payroll outsourcing comes into play. While many businesses make attempts at conducting payroll services in-house, they are quickly learning why this could be better handled through outsourcing services. How? Once companies remove in-house services, they undoubtedly save time and money. You can save a significant amount of money through using outsourcing services, thus increasing profit.
It is no mystery that as a business continues to grow, the need for outside services becomes more and more of a reality. This is where many of the advantages of payroll outsourcing comes into play. While many businesses make attempts at conducting payroll services in-house, they are quickly learning why this could be better handled through outsourcing services. How? Once companies remove in-house services, they undoubtedly save time and money. You can save a significant amount of money through using outsourcing services, thus increasing profit.
Tags: payroll companies, payroll service, payroll companies in California, payroll companies in Arizona, payroll companies in Nevada, Payroll company, HR Allen Consulting Services, Payroll Outsourcing, payroll, outsourcing payroll
Tags: HR, Citrus Heights Chamber of Commers, Uncategorized, HR Allen Consulting Services, Human Resource, payroll
Tags: payroll companies, payroll service, Uncategorized, Payroll Outsourcing, payroll